Buffalo Watching Packstring


Slough Creek
Slough Creek Cutthroat
Stock on Pasture
Slough Creek Oxbow
Abiathar Peak


Set Departure Trip:  Mid-July 2026.
Four Day Expedition – $2500 per guest.

Meandering out of the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness into the northeast corner of Yellowstone Park, Slough Creek is a cutthroat stream of rare elegance. It flows through a beautiful open meadowed valley encircled with forested slopes and high mountains.

Slough Creek is quite possibly the finest cutthroat water to be found anywhere on the planet.  It is mostly a riffle and pool type stream with an unhurried character. Its bottom is sandy silt and fine gravel. It has good insect populations. The creek’s deep pools and undercut banks provide the fish with good holding cover. It is just the right width for easy casting and there is little in the open meadows to interfere with the back cast.

The catch rate is about five fish per hour and the fish will average fifteen inches. The trout here are large, cooperative and plentiful; that’s probably due to the “catch and release” designation just as much as it is to perfect aquatic environment.

These are native Yellowstone Cutthroat, brilliantly colored fish with olive back, golden belly, and orange slashes under the jaw.

Slough Creek is home to a full complement of Yellowstone wildlife. You are sure to see buffalo, elk, mule deer and there is a good chance of seeing bears and wolves.

We will utilize a single camp on Slough Creek nine miles above the trailhead. From this centrality you will have the opportunity to become intimately acquainted with Slough Creek’s peaceful surroundings and delightful fishery.

Summer tent on a pack trip.
Dutch oven cooking on a campfire.